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ISIL offers $50,000 reward for head of Bulgaria’s ‘migrant hunter’

Posted by DanielS on Saturday, 09 July 2016 02:27.

DM, “ISIS offers $50,000 reward for head of Bulgaria’s ‘migrant hunter’:
Vigilante who terrorises refugees along the Turkish border for ‘sport’ finds himself being targeted by jihadis,” 8 July 2016:

  Dinko Valev’s units use military vehicles and dogs to hunt asylum seekers
  He hands illegal migrants over to the police ‘because they are all jihadists’
  Wants Bulgarian state to fund operation and pay for every captured refugee
  Human rights group accuse Valev of terrorising migrants with death threats

ISIS has put a $50,000 bounty on the head of a self-styled ‘migrant hunter’ who organises gangs of vigilantes to patrol and hunt down illegal asylum seekers in Bulgaria.

Dinko Valev, 29, uses two armoured vehicles to patrol territory near the city of Yambol, close to the border with Turkey.

But now it has been revealed that the Bulgarian State Agency for National Security have warned him he is being targeted by the terrorists.

The agent said he was on a list of names for which ISIS was offering a bounty with payment being made once a video or picture confirming the deed had been provided.

The information about the ISIS offer was found on several Islamist websites which are reportedly funded by terrorist organisations.

Valev was described as the ‘leader of a paramilitary unit operating on the Bulgarian-Turkish border along with a dozen other men’.


‘His victims included men, women and children fleeing Syria. In one incident, he forced them to lie face down for half an hour after terrorising them with death threats.

‘In another refugee roundup, he boasts about tracking a man for a while before finally capturing him.

‘He repeatedly makes offensive remarks about refugees and it’s clear that he plans to expand his volunteer corps to focus on capturing more asylum seekers.

‘Even more worrying is that he wants the state to fund his operation and to pay for every captured refugee.

‘So he is not only spreading fear of refugees within Bulgarian society, and inspiring people to treat them with disgust and hostility, and to reject them, but he’s also asking for his actions to be supported.’

Food, Medicine & Other Aid To Africa Only Exacerbate Catastrophic Population Explosion

Posted by DanielS on Wednesday, 06 July 2016 08:07.

The next time Anglin or his outfit the Daily Stormer need to be criticized, and that shouldn’t be long, we will certainly not refrain.

However, let it not be said that we are petty and unwilling to allow contributing voices where they might, simply because they and their platforms are generally off the mark.

You won’t often see me endorsing an article from over there, but once in a while he posts a decent one, such as this one by Martin Blaine:

DS, “The Concept of Feeding Starving Africans is Apocalyptic Insanity,” 5 July 2016:


An article has been making the rounds recently about Madonna posting pictures of the giant Kenyan slum of Kibera on her Instagram, in the hopes of tugging on the heartstrings of White people.


The Material Girl who never stops reinventing herself, Madonna, a seven-time Grammy Award-winner, actress, pop culture icon, founder of Raising Malawi and a Goodwill Ambassador for Child Welfare is in Kenya.

  The 57-year old icon with an estimated net worth of over $800 million spent the day visiting Kibra, also known as Kibera, Africa’s largest slum.

  In an Instagram post published only a few minutes ago, Madonna shared some of the moments from her visit today to the slum with Shining Hope for Communities, an organization that links free schools for girls to essential services for communities like clean water, and free health care.


The charity that she’s stumping for support for, Shining Hope for Communities, was founded by a Jewess from Denver, Jessica Posner. Posner supposedly fell in love with a Kenyan Negro and then went on to open a school for Kenyan girls and install some toilets and is now out to bring joy and brightness to the underprivileged Africans, et cetera.

All of this, of course, has earned her much praise and adulation from self-righteous liberals and fellow tribe members.

  Denver Post

      For her efforts, Posner has been named one of the five biggest world-changers under age 25 by the Do Something Awards.

      So on July 19 — 10,000 miles and just as many worlds removed from East Africa — she will be hanging at the Hollywood Palladium with the likes of Matt Damon and Natalie Portman for a star-studded awards ceremony to be hosted by Jane Lynch of “Glee” and nationally televised on VH1.

      That’s the kind of random polarity in the world that Posner has learned to accept.

        Jessica Posner and Kennedy Odede

        The entire concept of feeding starving Africans and somehow raising them up to our level is clearly insane, and the long-term implications of such an endeavor are mind-numbingly depressing and terrifying.

        The population of Kenya was recorded at just under 7 million in 1955. It’s now 47 million and one of the fastest growing in the world, thanks to our misplaced altruism.

        And for what purpose?

        Liberals don’t care about the lives of Africans. They think they do, but they really don’t. They care about their own feelings. They want things to be a certain way in the world such that it leaves them room for a life filled with hope and inspiration. They don’t want to be depressed about the world. Unfortunately, the reality of the world at the current point in history is extremely dire, and anyone who appreciates it for what it actually is is inevitably going to suffer bouts of depression. And also unfortunately, most people react to that situation by retreating into a fantasy that reality can be changed by wishful thinking and meaningless activity.

        What’s going to happen when you feed and cloth Africans is they’re going to produce more Africans for you to feed and cloth. That’s what they’ve been doing for the past several decades now. There were starving African children on television commercials when I was a child in the 70s, with a White man standing in their midst telling you that for just 35 cents a day you could save one. Undoubtedly many people signed up and adopted an African child via Unicef or whatever it was. And today dozens of descendants of that saved African child are picking around in the garbage dumps of Kibera looking for food. But now celebrities want your money to start schools and get them Internet access. Forget about the 35 cents a day for a bag of rice, we’ve got much larger ambitions today. We’re not just going to feed Africa, we’re going to make Africa fully capable of “realizing its potential.”

      Teach a man to fish, and all that.

  Feeding starving Africans only creates more starving Africans.

        Anyone can see that this is nonsense – anyone who wants to see, anyway. The problem of world poverty cannot be solved in this manner. It has not been, and it will not be.

        But Liberals don’t give a crap about that. Liberals want to do something. They want you to help them do something. They’re gonna fix it. They’re gonna change it. They’re not just going to end poverty and hunger and misery, they’re going to make Africa into some kind of beautiful Utopia. The fact that it doesn’t happen doesn’t concern them. The fact that they’re actually compounding the problem doesn’t concern them. They just plain don’t give a crap. They don’t want to make the world a better place, they want to make themselves feel better by pretending they’re making the world a better place.

        The situation today is far worse than it was in the 70s if you count the number of people actually experiencing poverty and hunger and misery in the world. And not just in Africa, but all over the Third – or, as it’s now called, the “developing” – World. The problem is it’s not developing. Nor is it going to develop. The First World isn’t developing either. All that’s happening is more and more people are being born into a stagnant world. There are many times as many human beings alive. Most of those human beings are capable of very little in the way of development, of themselves or of a society around themselves. That was not a particularly unfortunate or desperate thing a hundred years ago. It is however calamitous at this point, since there is simply no way it can be sustained.




Mulatto poised to take over leadership of UKIP

Posted by DanielS on Tuesday, 05 July 2016 11:06.

Long suspected of being derived of Austrian school internationalist banker’s interests - running false opposition in the form of propositional nationalism as such - UKIP is confirming those suspicions as an anti-racist Mulatto is poised to be successor to Farage in UKIP leadership.

Stephen Woolfe, a Mulatto here seen trying to physically intimidate WN Jean-Marie Le Pen, is now in line for UKIP leadership.

Farage discusses the forming of UKIP
against native nationalism and thus indicates the fundamental Mulatto nature of UKIP.

Finland: Eight members of Cuba’s volleyball team detained on rape suspicions

Posted by DanielS on Tuesday, 05 July 2016 10:33.


YLE, “Members of Cuba’s volleyball team detained on rape suspicions” 3 July 2016:

Eight Cuban men have been taken into custody on suspicion of aggravated rape at a Tampere hotel. Police say they usually do not comment on such cases at this stage, but decided to do so to quash speculation that the players had defected or disappeared.

Eight members of the Cuban national men’s volleyball team, including the team’s captain, are being held in Tampere on suspicion of aggravated rape.

The Central Finland Police Department says that three of the men were detained on Saturday morning and a fourth was taken into custody on Sunday morning. Four more were taken into custody on Sunday afternoon after the team’s match against Portugal.

Police said on Sunday afternoon that progress has been made in the investigation.

The suspected incident took place in the Tampere hotel where the Olympics-bound Cuban team is staying.

Inspector Joni Länsipuro of the Central Finland Police Department, who is heading the investigation, told Yle on Sunday that there is one alleged victim in the case, who has been interviewed.

He added that a decision on placing the men who were held on Saturday under formal arrest must be made by noon on Tuesday, 5 July.

“I have not made this decision yet,” said Länsipuro. “When the prosecutor comes to work on Monday, we’ll discuss this.”

Later he added: “It is quite natural that they most likely will not be able to leave Finland on Monday as planned.”

Police have refused to reveal more details of the case.

Netanyahu: Turkey deal ‘immense’ for Israeli economy

Posted by DanielS on Tuesday, 05 July 2016 05:00.

While sane Europe is recognizing the need to separate and triangulate against Turkey, coincidentally, Israel’s ties to Turkey are becoming more amicable -

        Benjamin Netanyahu
        John (((Kerry)))
        Israel-Turkey relations


Times of Israel, ” Netanyahu: Turkey deal ‘immense’ for Israeli economy”, 3 July 2016:

Meeting with Kerry, PM praises pact to normalize ties with Ankara; opposition slams $20m compensation for families of Mavi Marmara dead.

Knesset panel approves defanged NGO bill for final votes

As Turkey flame rekindles, papers set fire to old positions
UN head: Israel-Turkey deal a ‘hopeful signal for regional stability’
Turkey claims diplomatic victory as deal with Israel set to be inked
UN chief to arrive in Israel amid peace push, Turkey deal
Families of missing soldiers to meet Netanyahu, UN chief
In Tel Aviv, UN chief calls for ‘responsibility’ from Israelis, Palestinians
Temple Mount sees second day of clashes amid Jewish visits
Ending years of rancor, Israel and Turkey reboot relationship

The reconciliation deal with Turkey will dramatically boost Israel’s economy, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Monday during a meeting with US Secretary of State John Kerry in Rome, hours before he was expected to present the full terms of the agreement.

“I think it’s an important step here to normalize relations on one side. It has also immense implications for the Israeli economy… and I mean positive immense implications,” Netanyahu said, sitting next to Kerry at the American embassy in Rome.

The prime minister hinted that Israel’s natural gas reserves were a crucial element of the pact with Turkey, but did not elaborate.

Another Mass Nonwhite Sex Attack in Sweden

Posted by DanielS on Monday, 04 July 2016 08:40.

TNO, “New Mass Nonwhite Sex Attack in Sweden”, 3 July 2016:

A new mass nonwhite sex attack on white girls has taken place at two open air music festivals in Sweden this weekend—but so far only one Swedish newspaper has dared to report that the offenders were all “foreigners.”

All the other newspapers—including the notorious liars at the Aftonbladet—refused to mention the race of the attackers, even though the entire country knows the truth.


The Aftonbladet—caught out lying spectacularly over a “mass attack by skinheads on refugee children” story which they invented in their newsroom—said in its coverage of the latest sex attacks that there had been “over 20 cases of sexual harassment” reported at the “Putte in the Park” music festival in Karlstad.

The attacks had gone on, the Aftonbladet said, “despite the enhanced police presence.”

The Aftonbladet added that a similar set of attacks had taken place at the Bråvalla festival in Norrköping, also held over the past weekend, and on Friday, a large number of young girls had been subjected to sexual molestation at the Karlstad festival.

By Saturday morning, sixteen complaints had been registered, the paper quoted police as saying. The Aftonbladet said that the female complainants said they had been “encircled by between seven and eight boys,” who had groped them. The youngest victim is only 12 years, police said.

Muslim incursion in South Asia targets “European crusaders”

Posted by DanielS on Monday, 04 July 2016 08:18.

TNO, “Whites Targeted in Bangladesh Attack”, 3 July 2016:

White Europeans were once again singled out for murder by radical Muslim terrorists during the attack on the Holey Artisan Bakery in Bangladesh, according to survivors of the incident.

The attack, which took place in Dhaka’s Gulshan diplomatic zone, saw nine Italians, seven Japanese, three Bangladeshis, and one Indian killed.

The Italian victims of the Bangladesh attack.

According to the Italian Ansa news service, the Italian victims were named as Adele Puglisi, Marco Tondat, Claudia Maria D’Antona, Nadia Benedetti, Vincenzo D’Allestro, Maria Rivoli, Cristian Rossi, Claudio Cappelli, and Simona Monti.

The Italians were all textile entrepreneurs, visiting Bangladesh to establish trade links and import-export possibilities with local businesses.

The ISIS attack team in Bangladesh, as posted up on ISIS media outlets.

According to the Associated Press, the attack “marks an escalation in militant violence” in the Muslim-majority nation, with the extremists demanding the secular government revert to Islamic rule.

“Most previous attacks,” the AP said, “have involved machete-wielding men singling out individual activists, foreigners, and religious minorities. But Friday night’s attack was different, more coordinated, with the attackers brandishing assault rifles as they shouted “Allahu Akbar” (God is Great) and stormed the bakery.”

ISIS claimed responsibility, saying it targeted the citizens of “Crusader countries” in the attack.

Casa Pound clears out squatter camp on Roman coastal city

Posted by DanielS on Saturday, 02 July 2016 05:01.

TNO, “Italy: Invaders Flee from CasaPound” 1 June 2016:

Hundreds of nonwhite invaders squatting in the seaside town of Ostia, outside Rome, last night fled in the face of a mass show of force by Italian nationalist organization CasaPound, supported by hundreds of locals.

The invaders had turned the town’s park into a squalid shantytown, used it as a public toilet, and had terrorized locals for months with their criminal activities—and leftist authorities had refused to act.


CasaPound—which sprang to international prominence with a 10,000-strong anti-invasion march and demonstration in Rome in May this year—announced that they were going to “clean up” the Ostia Lido Centro area after residents had asked them to help.

They said that local authorities had refused to move the invaders—many of them Africans who had landed in Italy during the ongoing boat-invasion which is being encouraged and supported by the European Union.

“CasaPound took to the streets with exasperated residents,” CasaPound Ostia leader Luca Marsella said.

“We’re not leaving until these people who have been here for months are gone. The residents are afraid. This cannot be allowed to carry on,” he added, before taking up a megaphone to lead the growing crowd.

After more than three hours of confrontation, which took place with police present, the invaders decided to flee in the face of the angry crowd.


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